Saturday, 9 February 2008

we're back...

it's been a while since we've posted, but definitely not for a lack work. the pavilion has undergone some major changes...and is finally on site, along with a number of design/production tasks being taken on in parrallel (some of the tasks indicate the design changes). we're now getting quite a bit of help from some of the current AA DRL phase one and phase two students, without whom this would not be possible. time is running out and we have pushed the opening of the pavilion back to 13 March 2008 to coincide with the release of the DRL10 book.

Here is a list of the current on-going processes (in no particular order):

1. site work
  • leveling of site with sand blinding (done)
  • laying ground mat (done)
  • laying ground cross-profiles (in progress)

2. 1:20 laser-cut prototype model
  • laser-cutting of profiles (done)
  • assembly of components (in progress)

3. temporary works
  • site fencing (done)
  • scaffolding (being ordered)
  • design of jigs supports (in progress)
  • erection of jigs

4. fabrication of fibre-c elements
  • cutting of profiles (done)
  • delivery of profiles (group 1 of 3 delivered)

5. fabrication of rubber gaskets
  • extrusion of gaskets (group 1 of 4 done)
  • punching of holes (group 1 of 4 done)
  • delivery (group 1 of 4 done)

6. fabrication of steel structure
  • cutting of steel profiles (in process)
  • off-site assembly of steel profiles
  • on-site erection of steel structure

7. construction documents
  • cutting sheets (done)
  • assembly diagrams (done)
  • gasket details (done)
  • revisions (in progress)

8. coordination

as you can see, we still have a lot of work to do.

in the meantime here are the latest images of the version being built.

LOTS more to follow...